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Rock YOUR world! WE ARE THE WORLD!!!!

So yep.
School was AWESOME!!!

Yeah, I didn't really talk much today,
but it was fun(:
I'm enjoying every moment that other people enjoy.

English lesson was okay, listened to 'We are the world.'
It was nice(:
Love the newer version.
Justin Bieber is there! WOOOO!! (lols. Imma sort of becoming a fan ^^)
And during Maths, we learnt about inequal something something tions.
Finally we changed text book~ Already 1B now!(:
Hope I can understand the newer chapter better.
Gosh, I totally don't understand chapter 6 of 1A..
ALGEBRA! OMG!.... I need help...

So anyhoo, Science lesson was fun(:
Had experiments in class. Sodium Chloride etc..
Filtration, distillation , other stuffs.
Literature was fun too, Hahaha..
Funny part, teacher gave us a passage, 
Then there's a guy named 'Phuc'
You know when you pronounce Ph~ it becomes Fff~
So Pat was like, why don't you pronounce it without the P (sort of)

I totally had no idea about the Fff thingy.
Then I just read it out loud , like... ' FFUC '
The people who heard me , especially people from my group.
Zhi Long, BanHong, Esther, Calvin , Magdalene was like looking and me.
OMGosh, I was like super paiseh lahhs.
Accident eh. >.<;
Geog was nothing special.
Oh wait. There was!
Nathan and Fauzi was like not listening in class,
so they were like putting themselves inside the cupboard.
Then 3 boys was like locking it.
Fauzi and Nat can't come out, the bang on the cupboard like so many times.
Then Mrs.Franklin was like, ' What's happening?! '
So yep, she tried opening the cupboard but failed.
After all those failed attempts, they were able to come out..
Lucky them.
I was like laughing almost all the time >.<; (omg, I'm so evil~ Eeee!)

I especially LOVE the period when we did the class decoration(:
At first I was like planning to stay until 3.30 PM
When Patricia finished her science re-test paper..

But I was like slacking and not doing any decorations.
Until Pat finished her test , and it started raining real heavy.

I was like so lazy to go home.
So I just stayed back.
Did some decorations(:

Fatin, Shamira, Patricia, Sharra and some other people to help..
were like having fun at the same time.
Hafiz was like making stories out of Sallust.
Idk who is He.. But I guess he's an important person(:
Hafiz was like telling us how he was related to him.
He said he was his father's friend, which was a sweeper.
(>.<; No offence people who is a fan or something.)
And how he managed to make quotes..
Like, ' You are the architect of your own fortune '
(While he was sweeping...)

Really much more fun stuffs eyh.
Sang Justin's songs(:

We were like having so much fun, Pat and Shah and some other people were like screaming,
we played hangman while other people was like decorating stuffs, lols.

Oh right, something freaky.
Ms.Tng, our co-form teacher, printed pictures which was taken for special occasions..
Then one of the picture, includes Dionne.
During the swimming lesson.
Weirdly, in the picture, she was like having 3 hands..
Eee~~ Idk, but I guess it's Amelia's hand uh. So creepy.
Even Dionne is like screaming at her own picture. lools.

So, planning to like watch scary movies at Pat's house sometime next month or something.
Or.. we can even study together for exams...?

Oh Gosh, that reminds me.. Today we have like.. so many homeworks!
Maths, English, Geography and Literature!!!
Uhhh! I don't feel like doing anything~~

Yerr, Yerr, Yerrrssshhh.
I wanna go do my stuffs.

KHC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation mark times as much as possible(: )

Oh yeah , quote of the day( well, not exactly, found it on MT class, hehehe. )

'Hugs(and kisses) are priceless... And so are you..(:'

Hehehehehehe~ Invention of Kelly and Patricia(:
When you're bored, you tend to think of weird stuffs and end up with wonderful stuffs(: