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dKpop News
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super junior IF

silence breaker.

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Boring days :/

Woo. So no school for like.. 4 days straight. 
Actually I need to go for the SYF rehearsal ):
I'm to lazy to. How??
I maybe not even able to go to the opening.
I need to go back to Indo.
UUUGGHHH. I need to tell teacher but don't know how.
If she'll like, call me later today, Idk what to do ~~
Ask my Mom to say I can't come for the SYF cos' I need to go back to Indo.
Gah, Idk..

okok anyways,
I'm like super bored.
Nothing to do, other than so called upgrade my Soshified account.
Saw 'Show Luo' yesterday.
Woo. I was like, 'OMG. It's Show LUO!!'
Well, yeah. My sis is like pinching my face. She say it went red > <;
The mall was like super crowded until we want to take the lift, 
but the lift was filled with so much people then we decided to go to use the escalator.
Since it was crowded, we went the other way and then realised it was a wrong way.
So went back again, took the another escalator.

Weew. It was cool though.
Keekekeke, lots of Taiwan stars came the CS Mall (:
F.I.R did, oh yeah I saw them in person that day after my CCA.
I was like waiting at the traffic light to cross the road.
Then suddenly this van the windows all black came.
Security guards is like surrounding it.
Then they started coming out one by one > <;
I was like omg, it's a star.
smsed Pat but I guess she don't know who they are XD
And then Ip Man's brother came also.
Ip man is Bruce Lee's teacher mind you.
I didn't see him though..
And now Show Luo. Wow.
Sadly Korean stars go to IMM *sigh*

Yep Yep. So, Justin Bieber was on Channel 5.
WOOHOO~~ *celebration*
It's just abit 'deep' and husky though.
Still good.
I was like playing computer, then suddenly 'And I was like.. Baby baby baby...'
I looked at the TV screen, I saw Justin Bieber.
'Ohmy GOD! Justin Bieber! It's Justin Bieber right?? Oh tell Patricia'
Go to msn and tell Patricia XD
After awhile she also said that she was watching him. Hahah.

Yeah so, I guess I won't be like.. posting Kstars news anymore > <;

Oh wow. People who's going to the SYF is like online now... Banhong and LyeTeng online, chatting w/ me somemore. Duh.
"Oh hihihi! Tell me Lalala~~ Love Love Love! Everybody Clap clap clap!" 

Ye Ye Ye so , 
*peace* BYE.