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girls' generation IF
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super junior IF

silence breaker.

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Wee. Hellos again.
So, didn't use computer yesterday.
Dad didn't go work..

So dreamed about this super hilarious stuffs.
My mom wanted to go for a vacation with my sister and I.
Then she was like surfing the net or something, and then saw the 'children's home' in Africa..
My Mum said we need to 'experience' the poor people's living, learn from it and such.
And somehow, somewhat, I arrived at South Africa using an old version of LRT train,  but there's a driver in it.
And the seats are like the automatic trains in Sentosa..
So we went off the train, suddenly Super Junior's Yesung is there,
playing with this... touch screen... train controller.
And there's a security guard talking to him, but he ignored..
So while walking towards somewhere, my sister was like pointing out to me 'Hey. It's Yesung!', and my Mum was like.. 'Who's he?'.. so I told her that he was a singer..
So then I don't know what happened to the dream...
I guess I woke up or something, but slept right back.
I dreamed about me telling Dionne that I dreamed about Super Junior's Yesung, and Kibum while I'm at Africa for vacation. But I told her in my Indonesia's house's living room.
So hilarious.

And I dreamed about other weird stuffs again,
it's like a ... fairy tale, but a weird one.
Consists of the, err.. you know those snow white stories, the houses.. Yeah like that..
And my Old primary school, my ex-form teacher...
I don't really remember what I dreamed of but I woke up feeling disgusted cos' I dreamed about me having this mission in somewhere, that I need to take this small paper, which is inside a cockroach..
Eew, I know. So I was like..... touching it and then it flew here and there, so I woke up.

And the end of dreams.

So yesterday watch lots and lots of shows, joked around with my sister alot..
Uncle came , left again, and another came again..
And nothing really happened.

So congrats to Korea ~~!! DAE HA MIN GOOKK!!!
2:0  ^_______^

MUAHAHAHA, The player number 14 and 7 are good ^^.
Wee, suddenly remember.... Angel's and My B'day numbers...?

So yeah, nothing much to blog about.
Peace *^^V*.

~ Love--- It's not something that you can stop even if you try, it just happens and you're powerless against it. ~


Oh and, if you don't know how Yesung looks like, Here~ ^^;