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Note peeps, this is my blog and I post stuffs that I want.
Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
Well, if you want me to remove anything, go ahead and tell me.

Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Woo. HeyHos.
So how's weekend?
Hahahaha, Omg. So random. (or not)
Yeah, I'm so bored...
Just repeating David Choi's By My Side song over and over again..
*sobs* so sad uh. 
Yeah, I want his album so badly~~
Do they sell it in Singapore? I guess not.
Actually I can buy it through internet, but need to use nets and stuffs like that.
I have so many stuffs I want.
Maybe I should... make a wishlist like Pat.
Hehehehe, *grins*
So, 'Down With Love' drama just finished yesterday.
It's weird... And, Yang Duo's hair extention(or whatever its called) , is nice(:
It's like jump till 6 years later, and they all get together, have a child bla bla.
Well, overall the drama is nice. Heh.

So yesterday I was like so bored at home.
Woke up in the morning, bath-ed , ate breakfast, play computer till my mum ask me to go out and buy food.
So yeah, then ate and play computer again...
Talk to my sis about albums she wanna buy, we plan to go to cathay or somewhere there to buy CDs ><;
She want to buy Chris Brown's the exclusive thingy.. 
They say its clearance sale but its still expensive, $23...
I want to see SUJU's.. the 3rd album. 
Ahh~ And if possible, David Choi's.

Ya ya ya ya ya, WYS. (whatever you say) 
So yeah, watched 18 Censored or not on YT..
It's funny. Heh, but started from episode 11 , Eeee, I guess you don't want to know.
I'm just going to continue watching.

And yeah, will not be in Singapore from 1 June^^
Until 24th June. Hehehe, I guess I'll miss the class outing.
Ah, W.eff (Whateff/WhatEver), I don't want to go anyways, cos' it's BBQ.
I wanna go Theme Park! Feel like riding Roller Coaster :/

So SO , peace.