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The last 2 days...

Didn't post for 2 days, yeah.
It'd been a busy 2 days.
Heh, on thursday, 27 May.

In school, it was fine.
Cleaned the Home Econ room.
The stove was so rusty, wow.
It's like so dirty.
I mopped the floor, and when I came back its all dirty again.
So I gave up on it.

Oh yea, and way before that, in the morning.
Had 2 hours talk by the principal.
At first he talked about attitude, and stuffs like that.
About 2 girls in De Yi sec school got injured because of piercing..
Yeah. So after talking about those stuffs for like 67 minutes..
He went through the results.
Sigh, 1E3 got the lowest.
And, for Literature. Our class only has 30% passes.
WTH right. Yeah I know. I failed too.
Not to blame Mr.Keh, but ofcourse..
I don't really understand what he was teaching about
Since we were his form class, he had to do alot of admin works..
Yeah, and times were spent like that.
Hmm, I also didn't study hard enough for it.
And. 1E1 only has 42% passes....
And Mr.Keh taught them too.
I don't know why they got low marks... But 1E1 mostly get 90 ~ 100% passes.
Argh. Anyways..

After school then , Fat , Shah , Pat and I went to Pat's house.
watched 'Hostel 2006' M18...
Woo. Guys don't watch it if you're under 18.
But it's cool.. (:
The story was hahaha, weird...?
I guess the director should like, put in more details in some of the scenes.
Yeah, then after that we went to her room and play her laptop.
She went to the class blog.
Oh god, she freaking change the blogskin.
Seriously, I prefer the previous skin.... :/
So then my day is ruined and I went home with Shamira...

So yep. That's the end of day.

Yesterday, Friday 28 May..
Woke up at 8 in the morning, 
Then listen to songs for 30 minutes...
Bathe-d and pack bla bla.
Went out of my house at 10.35.
Took MRT to SengKang.
Didn't see shamira so went to the library,
it was closed so I just return books.
Called Shamira, she ask me to wait till her dad went out.
Waited for 1 hours.
Went to eat then, Went back and call her, still haven't go out yet..
It was like 1.40 ++ I went around Compass point.
Probably people think I'm mad or something > <;
Then went to Mini toons, Comic connection, Popular etc.
Went back to the bus int and sit down to wait..
Waited till 3.
She called me and ask her to go to her house =__=;
My handphone had no prepaid then...
lucky I got 10 free sms...
Yeah, that wasn't the worst part.
I went to her house.
Roshin then followed us to watch movie.
Sigh, they were like fighting..
Roshin act quite like Shah. Hehehe,
I know Shah, you will say that it's totally not the same not even a little bit similar.
But you can't see yourself... right?
So so so, then took MRT to douby Ghaut (?)
Went to PS and walked to Cathay.
UGH. It was like already freaking 4.45 and the movie started.
We missed it.
So I smsed my mom whether I can go and watch the 6.30 one...
Not allowed, that's the worst part.
So I got so fed up I begged Shamira to at least cross the road with me since theres no zebra crossing.
Yeah so Shah was like so tired and Roshin 'volunteered'.
Halfway at the elavator, she asked me for  $3 cos' later her mom finds out she's dead.
Bla bla bla. She's even more scarier than Shah.
OMG. Yeah then I gave her my mentos(es) *sigh*
Then she was like, okay you cross the road yourself, I'm going back,
Yeah Then  I gave her a dollar and she cross the road with me ==;
Then she went to cold storage and bought little stuffs with 1 dollars.. I guess.
I went home, got scolded by my Mum.
AAh, so frustrating.
She didn't even know what really happen.
I won't get kidnapped by her durh.
So yeah, arrived home at like... 6.20?

Well, I wouldn't say that I regretted going out.
I didn't go home while waiting for Shah cos' I didn't want to be at home.
I'm probably gonna be ask to clean the room and stuffs like that.
Sigh, so yeah.. today can't go out.. ):
Got scolded yesterday rmb?

Yep yep. Then I wrote it in my new frustration book.
And my one month diary about it ^^

And, yeah lastly.

Peace yea.
Happy holidays.
I don't know whether I should be sad or happy.
Well, maybe more of happy?
Cos I really don't feel like going to school and meet you people. > <;

BB *peace*