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Wee. Hellos Human beings.
Currently in Indonesia now.
Finally I'm able to blog again!
Muahahaha,  so currently using the VAIO $4000 laptop, not used to it.
ZOMG. I don't know what's the different , but the keyboard is wider apart >3< (lols)
Oh, oh oh, and it has lights below it too!(:
and, they say this laptop is much more faster than any other..
Well, I guess it's because the internet here is slow that I can't really feel it.
Love the keyboard though. Kekekeke.

So anyways,
2 days ago after I blogged..
Went to the airport.
Two incidents that made me so frustrated.
*sigh* firstly, about handphone.
Secondly, in the airport. My sis made me feel so bad TT__________TT

So anyways, during the plane ride,
It was cool.
It was a bit shaky though.. cos' it was raining.
The food was awesome. Hehe.
So then, we went to take taxi home.
The journey was so long, it was raining too.
I just listened to songs throughout.

So then arrived. I felt so stubborn and only help to cook dinner.
And, change the bed sheets and pillow's.
Muahaha, oh yeahh.
Bought another story book.
One of the bestest , coolest - After Dave Pelzer's S child called it - and the sickest book ever read.
Finished it in like two days.
Well, lesser than 24 hours though..

The story's like... so sad.
And happy at last.
It's Cassie Harte 'I did tell, I did'
bought it for $17.. at Times store thingy and Terminal 2 of Changi Airport.
Heh, once again, it's awesome.
But it's abit inappropriate.. cos she describe it like.. wow.
Yeah, the story is about this girl (the author)
She felt like no one loved her and stuffs like that.
Then by the age of 7, this Uncle Bill (who was her biological dad, whom her mum loves, but she didn't know till she was 17..... )  , he raped her.
Told her all kinds of lies that he loved her and useless stuffs like that, threatened her...
Omg, I feel sick just thinking about it.
Just read it yourself. SICKO. ><;
Actually... don't read it.
Wait till you grow up abit..
And maybe... the price of that book goes down too.

So yep anyways,
yesterday... plucked out wild plants at my small yard...
Gosh, it was tiring..
I was left alone by my sis cos' she said she plucked more than me =___=;
Plucked it for like 50 minutes.. Haven't really finish plucking, but just 'give up'..
And then ate my favourite Nasi padang while watching TV.
Sad that some program I used to watch and like is not there anymore though..
And sad to miss The Nooze, Norbit, etc, on Channel 5. *sigh*

So.. basically I only read books and listened to songs during the past 2 days.
Hah, maybe did abit of house work which was tiring, of course.
And the internet here is like so slow... Uh. Actually, more has happened.
Just lazy to type.. The weather is like so hot also.

Oh yea! Some facts that you might not want to know,
My dad has a new racing motor bike. Cool and awesommmmeeeee to the max.(:
And, I touched poop twice while plucking the wild  plants at my yard. (yuck)
Relax, I washed my hand. Hahaha. So random.
And.. one more, There's 3 computer which I can use at home. Weee~~
Oh oh oh and! My Mum gave me a mixed juice consists of tomato, apple, pear and cucumber >O<
Taste... well, you can make one for yourself.
Oh yeah lastly, I wrote my daily stuffs. Till the smallest detail like the time..
in my 'one-month' diary ^^.

So bye bye for now?
No windows live chat messenger thingy here....
So yep. Facebook? HAAHAHA.
Ouh, happy life.

Have a 'good' holiday!(:

And, SS501's Love Ya MV.. omg, i feel like flying.
HAHAHA. And, Nickhun's really going to get married with f(x)'s Victoria at WGM? WOo. Can't wait~~

So better stop writing Kpop stuffs here.
Oh yea. And what sucks with this laptop, once I type something, and pressed the wrong stuff.
It will jump up to nowhere and I had to click here and there to find the right places, uh. Hard to explain.

Yeahhh. BB~~(:
