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The Past and Present. Thanks for both.

Oh wee. I'm like so bored right now.
Well, not exactly.
I re-read my whole posts..
Yep. all 169 of them.

Just realised that time flies by faster than I thought..
From the first time I came to Greendale.
Regretting and blaming myself for choosing this school until now, enjoying myself like I never did before.
*sigh* happy memories in primary school...
Lots of them. Now that we are separated from each other.
We seldom keep in touch.
Even with the best friends that I used to stick real close with..
Maybe like once a week, or more, or maybe even none, we chatted/called/facebook-ed each other.
Yeah, I missed primary school, like.. lots.
Having to learn new things together as a class, laughing together, enjoy times together, celebrate together, and even cry together.
It hurts separating with them.
I can't feel it during Graduation day.
After the first day in Greendale memories just flashes back.
Ugh, I know it's kinda late, I never said I love East View, my form class, 3.3, 4.2, 5.2...and my precious 6.2.
My form teacher, Mdm.Wong.
I used to dislike her, the way she teach me mathematics..
Those hateful memories disappeared.
Looking at my new teachers in school, I'd rather be back in EV.
Not saying that in Sec school is not good, some teachers are just..
the way they teach, is totally different.
I'm not brave enough to talk to them and tell them that i don't understand.
Maybe I will someday. When I get used to it.
Uhh, I miss my friends ):
When I first came to Greendale, I totally knew no one.
Thanks to Shah, who smiled at me for the first time.
Made me feel that I'm accepted.
Then I started hanging out with Esther..
Because of the camp. She's kinda lonely as well. Haha.
Yeah, days later, when we started studying as a class.
I got to know more of them..
Started talking with Patricia.
And hangs out with her almost all the time.
She use to go together with Lydia, Fatin and some other.
Weeks then, we started getting to know each other more.
It felt like we were all long lost friends..
Then I got my nickname 'Kiwi'.
Haha, nice memories.
Eventhough we fought sometimes.
We're still back together till now right?
Even if some of you changed.
Well, everyone changes. We can't change it. Even if we can, that's life. It's the fact of life.
Thanks for being my friend.
I know I may seem bad at times.
You understands and helped me.
You listened to my problems. Sometimes stay with me and listen.
The heart-to-heart talks we used to have together.
Thank YOU. (Yeah, for those who felt that way,  for me...)
The past and presents, let's just forget the bad things that happened to us.
The pasts and presents, Thanks for both.
Without you, it won't happen..

Ouwwhh, getting emotional.
Well, I guess I should like stop here.
My sister also wants to use the computer anyways.

~End. (:
Love EV & GDL~ forever stays with me, for life^^

-Written @26May2010