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201th post celebration~! ^________^ (jkjk)

Who sits behind you in english? 
"Who sit's behind you."
lols, nah just kidding. But no one sits behind me in English, I'm last >.<;

When was the last time you showered? 
Mmmmm, about 6 hours ago or something?

When will your next kiss be? 
I can't read the future =__=

What song are you listening to? 
Sorry Sorry Answer - Super Junior

How late do you normally stay up on weekdays? 
Mmm, it depends.. In bed normally at 10. Maybe sleep at 11 or worse, 1.

What was the last movie you watched in the theaters? 
Can't remember, Harry Potter and the half blood prince..?

Who did you see it with? 
My sis.

Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? 

What did you do saturday? 
I'm not Saturday. So I don't know.

Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? 
For some random reasons, Loud.

Who was the last to call you? 

When do you prefer to take a shower, in the morning or night? 

Next vacation you’re going on? 

Can you watch scary movies? 
Yeps. But with a person beside me, or covered with thick blanket and a huge teddy bear.

How do you like your eggs? 
Depends on my mood. If I'm sleepy, it's boiled eggs. Heh.
Usually fried though..

Do you want any piercings? 
Mmm, somehow yes. MY ears.

Would you rather stay at home, or be out and about? 
Hmm, it depends on my moon. Usually stay at home. And sleep. XD

Look out the window, what do you see? 
Uhh, City Square Mall's awesome park.

Hollister or Abercrombie? 

Favorite alcoholic drink? 
Errr... I don't know. Green Sands?

Last time you went shopping ? 
Can't remember, last week, on tuesday.

What color shirt are you wearing? 

Last thing you purchased? 
Uhh... Tic Tac candy.

Do you hate when people put “I love you” on their profiles? 
Sometimes, it depends who the person is.

Plans for tonight? 

Are you gangster/preppy/goth/emo? 

Are you open about your feelings or closed off? 
Both. It depends.

Are you gonna be home alone tonight? 

Are you keeping a secret from the one you love? 

Who was the last person you were in the car with that isn’t family? 
Uhhh, Amelia, Banhong ... and one more person. It was waayyyy back in march or april.

Would you go into public looking like you do now? 

Would you kiss someone to make your bf/gf mad? 

Describe your mood? 
Mixed. Nervous, Happy, Lazy uhhh~!!! Mad.

Have you ever kissed someone whos name started with a N? 

Are your nails painted? 

How were you feeling last night? 
Sleepy luhhs.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 

How old do you look? 

What’s something that can always make you feel better? 
Hehehe, Sunny (:

What are your plans for tomorrow? 
Go to catch a movie w/ Pat & Shah.

Did the last person you kissed ever give you a hickey? 

Can you call your ex without it being awkward? 
Uhh yes?

Do you like family get-togethers? 
Not really, it makes me nervous.

Is your room ever clean? 
Yeps, when I cleans it >.<;

Do you drink bottled water? 
Yes, sometimes.

Honestly, are things going the way you planned? 

Do you hate the last person who called you? 

If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean? 
Angry, Annoyed, Sad, Bored, SLeepy, Have nothing to say. 

Does anyone call you babe or baby? 
My Mom! When I was a baby. Hehehehe.

This time last year, can you remember who you liked? 
Yeah. PJM.

Last night, you felt? 
Sleepy -.-

What are you looking forward to? 
Uhh, Idk. Can't think. Feeling nervous like MAD.

What should you be doing right now instead of this? 
Haha, my E-learning homeworks.

How many piercings? 


When people call or text you, does that drive you crazy? 
It depends.

Where’s your phone right now? 
Beside me.

Are you nice to everyone? 
Mmmm, to think about it.. Mostly yea.

Is there anybody really disappointed in you right now? 
Yeah! The person who ask us to do presentations tomorrow!

How was your last summer? 

Do you laugh at inappropriate times? 
Yeah that's fun. >.<;

Do you ever go without makeup or doing your hair? 
Oh I did.

Does sex mean love? 
Wth, I don't think so?

What do people call you the most? 
Kelly, You, Oi, Hey, 

If the person you missed the most showed up to your door RIGHT NOW, how would you react? 
Go crazy in mind, blushes and hug ^^.

Would you rather sleep by yourself or with someone else? 
It depends.

Does the chair you’re sitting on have arm rests? 

Do you pay with cash, credit/debit, or checks most often? 
cash. Well, weirdly coins.

Do you like to cuddle? 
Mmm Hmm.

Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? 
Yea.. ):

Can you sing? 

Do you like the yellow cheetos better or the orange ones? 
Yellow. The Orange ones are super salty.

Where did you buy the shoes you wore today? 
I didn't wear any shoes today FYI.

When going shopping for junk food, what’s the first thing you pick up? 

What kinds of food do you dunk into milk? 
Hard biskuits that softens inside milks..

Did it rain today? 

Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl? 

Have you watched a movie that reminds you of someone today? 
Mmmm, nope.

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? 

Where would you go on a road trip with your best friend? 
Amusement park or cinema.

Do you have any pictures of you and an ex? 

Would you date someone who lived in another state? 

Could you handle a long distance relationship? 
Idk. Yes?

Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? 

If you had to choose between a million dollars or be able to change a regret? 
Million dollars, cos' it changes a regret. lols.

Is it possible to be single and happy? 
Yeah. I am. Kekekeke.

Did you sleep alone last night? 

Does the song you’re listening to remind you of anyone, who? 
Girls' Generation SeoHyun. >.<;

Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? 
Yeah, things change.

Do you want to see somebody right now? 
Uh-Oh yes.