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9 Temples is a horror movie about one man’s journey to make amends in order to correct his bad karma by visiting 9 temples within 7 days. The journey leads him and his companions into a series of unexpected and horrific revelations.

Woot. Wanna watch this movie~~!
OMG. But it's NC16
Gahh, they said there's some disturbing scenes, and.. some scenes of Intimacy*.

*it means.. yeah *ahem* you know..... >.<;

Unjoo, Soy, Eugene and Eun-young, are four good friends who swear their friendship with blood late one night at chapel within their school compound. They promise each other that their bonds will last through death, so much that they are even willing to die together. Strange rumors start to spread at the girls’ school and Unjoo’s younger sister Jung-un who attends the same school gets suspicious about her sister’s death. . She tries to find out the truth by questioning Unjoo’s friends – Soy, Eugene, and Eun-young but all of them mysteriously keep mum. What are they hiding? Why would Unjoo kill herself? Was it really suicide? The remaining girls are chased by death as their promises weigh heavily over them. Will the desire, jealousy and lies that are hidden behind this pledge of death between the four girls unravel, along with the real truth behind Unjoo’s passing?

Want to watch Blood Pledge too, but sadly it's released on 15 July.
Sigh, it looks cool though. Shin Ae's in it. AWESOME!
They didn't say it's like NC16 or something, so I guess it's fine Hehe.

Yep, so.. I also want to watch Despicable ME.
It's released on the 8th of July.
Looks fun though.

SO, only can watch Eclipse.
Looks... mm, fun? Idk.
But I'm seriously anticipating the Breaking Dawn movie.
The director still considering whether to do it or not..

Edward and Bella got married, and somehow , somewhat, they *ahem* and yeah...
Bella had a baby, she was only pregnant for like 1 month.. and the author wrote it that Alice tore her clothes off when she needs to deliver it (yeah.. yeah.. so she's naked.)
And, when the baby was born, she bit her brr-.......... (Yeah you know)
The baby was named Renesmee Carlie Cullen (Renee + Esme, Carlisle + Charlie, Cullen Family)
It's a daughter (ofcourse) , and each day, she grew super fast.. like inches.
Her face changes every hour, every day..
And Bella had to lie to her dad that it's adopted, 
Oh Oh, when she was giving birth, she lost lots of blood and her heartbeat stopped.
Thanks to Edward, he bit her and soon she became a vampire too, with special powers like Edward had.
She can protect people around her. And, people with powers to read minds couldn't read hers.
The power is somewhat called the shield. something something.

Yeah.. So what about Jacob?
You know Werewolves can't grow old unless they quit it.
And they had this special 'love at first sight' thingy, and he waited for Renesmee to grow and be together with her since he can't get Bella.
Oh FYI, Renesmee is half human half vampire, she eats human food, her heart beats, but she glows under the sun, and enjoy blood too.
So.. she can't die like her parents.

Well, there's more nice scenes in the story.
Where the Voltury(?) came and wanted to kill the child and to take Alice, Edward and Bella (cos' they got super powers)
And yeah, it's overall the awesomest than the other 3 series.

Yep. SO planning to watch Letters to Juliet with Pat and Shah, not really sure when, I guess on Monday.
At Cathay or something...
Pat says it's a nice story.

So yep. Nothing much happened.
Went to IKEA yesterday and did E-Learning at home, 
IKEA was err, boring.
E-Learning... I got stuck, can't find the 'primary' button.
Mum left for Indo cos' my cousin's getting married on 3rd July or so.

So umm, gonna do other stuffs now. CIAO.
BY the WAY~~

Park JungSu~~!! ^__________^
You're 27. Wow... You don't look that old though.
Stay cool and be a good leader!
Hehehe, He got caked as well~
By Eunhyuk, DongHae, ShinDong and Staffs ^_____^

So yeah, don't mind I post this stuffs heh?
Shah, Relax. You also posted on your blog about this guy who you said he's hot (eventhough he isn't, for me)
Let's play fair~ Kekekeke.

Oh oh oh and btw, Glee's Kurt is so CUTE!
Muahahaha, don't know his name though.
Watched him on Channel 5 yesterday night at 10.
He danced Single Ladies, so hilarious.
Oh and btw, He's NOT gay!


SUJU Hwaiting~! ^_______________^