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Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

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So, and again, nothing much to blog about..
Yesterday after blogging, the internet won't work.
So went and watch TV. Weird weird shows on air...
People disappear and stuffs like that..
Watched bits of FIFA world cup, Japan won right?
Hehehe, ^_____________^

So yesterday, missed David Choi's cartoon drawing contest. ):
Sigh,, So yeah...


So.. you're going for your SOTA audition soon right?
I know there's big possibility for you to leave Greendale.
I know you really wished to go to SOTA, make your parents at least feel proud of you.
I know you don't want to waste your parent's $150..
I don't know what will happen....
I really wish you will stay in Greendale, 
but I also wish that you follow your dream, be happy.
I can't help much, I'm sorry.
I might not be a very good friend to you.
You are one of the people who understands me most.
I'll be seriously sad if you do leave.
*sigh* If you do leave.... I seriously don't know how I'll react.
Not meeting you in school anymore is like.. I don't know how to explain.
The times we spent.. You're like... WAY better than what people thinks of you.
If you're accepted in SOTA, seriously... study well.
It's a super good school, good for you.. I actually do wish to go in that school.
(Just that I'm lack of confidence, I hate auditions.. and I need to pay like $1600 one month!)
That school is particularly expensive, you can like... end school at 6 PM.
It's pretty far away from your house too.
....At least meet up, stay in touch...? Pretty please?
Yeah, I can only say 'Good Luck' to you, your audition is only 8 days away.
Quick learn your lines. Don't think of your sister's threat.
Just concentrate on your lines and do well for your audition.
Don't be sooo nervous. It's a bit like.. Oral Exam.
Well, a bit harder than that.....
Argh, nevermind.

- K