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dreamy dreams

Wee, Good-ah Dayyaaahh~
So yea, last night.. watched Scary Movie 4.
Super hilarious.
It like parodies of movies that's horror type but it's comedy.
Hhaaha, They copied The grudge, The Ring Sadako , War of the world, Saw, Oprah..
Hahaha, the people also dressed like in the actual movies.
And yeps. So, I went to bed at like... 12.
Not sure what time I slept but after effects of watching Scary Movie 4.
I dreamed about the Grudge boy(!!!!!)
Well, but it wasn't that scary.
It's like.. I'm in some places I don't know, 
I pluck out the electric wire from the wall and connected it to the fish tank.
And then other people's house got black out,
only my room wasn't and my sister came out asking who off(ed) the lights. (>.<;)
And I woke up at like 4:44 AM.
Slept again at 7.31, dreamed about DBSK JaeJoong, SS501 HyunJoong, Super Junior's EunHyuk and Siwon (lols!!!!!)
And the starting when they came out was like the Boys Over Flower's F4.
Like... lights surrounding them. so COOL.
Hehehehe, then a girl, me.. but grown up, can't see the face (sigh), ran to them and hugged Siwon, ignoring HyunJoong and JaeJoong(lols)
MUAHAHAHA. Well, you won't understand cos' your not me...

So yeahh, quite bored now.
Nothing much to do.
Just watching WGM- Seohyun and YongHwa's.
Invicible youth- Episode 29 ~ 30

So yeahh, will maybe blog *hopefully* later.

Ciao. <333~!

Oh btw, (I told ya I'm bored.)





W00ts. LOL.