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Eclipse was the BOMB~

HELLO~ (See, greetings in PINK are AWESOME)

So, today was a bit boring in school, did the presentation, well, I just told what they should say, I didn't dare to go up.
Our class did, mmm... quite badly though.
And got quite fed up with the teacher.. As you know (probably not), I really hate people saying WALAO.
I mean... it's not wrong saying it at times, but the tone, makes me ... mad. Super mad.
I guess it's like... an automatic reaction/feeling for me.
Oh!Oh!Oh! , and... Pat's story book about this what nungga-nuggas thingy was so weirddddd.
A girl with vivid imaginations of snogging with a *ahem* so-called-god
And Shah borrowed my "I did tell, I did" story book after I asked her to read page 114 ~ 121.
SICKO peeps. Heh, we are? Well not really, it's just... a pity(?) {<--Woo. That's random.}
I mean, an automatic curiousity out of a growing child's mind.
Cos' she experienced *ahem* since she was so young, didn't even know that it wasn't inappropriate, and just felt that it was horrendous, that it was hurting her. Evil mother of hers, thinking that her BIOLOGICAL dad of hers has the rights to do anything to his daughter.
Stupid. -.-

So anyhoo.. after the so called nerve-wrecking presentations - eventhough I didn't present (>.<;;) - 
We went to recess and they freaking changed the Stall number 3.
And the aunt gave so little food~ It's like one spoonful of each veggie, only the egg was huge -.-
And it costs $1.50, sigh.
So went to search for seats and talked to Dee while eating,
LX came interrupting us, just talking what she has in mind not caring whether people hears it or not, or even what the listeners think of it.
Always go around asking people whether they like this person or not -.- No other things to do is it?
And do you need to ask every people whether they want to lend your so-called-a-lot-and-to-be-proud Doraemon comics?
And worse, go around asking people how many pairs of shoes they have. Showing off that you got 3 pairs of it?
Sigh, can you talk about something else?

Okay okay enough of that.
Lets just jump to the best part of the day.
So after doing the boring stuffs in class, we went to the hall and a Latin percussion group from what art association came and taught and performed or us some famous Latin musics..
It was interesting, quite disappointed cos' people just don't react, they'll feel bad too right? They're humans.
Show at least a bit of interest peeps?
And yeah skip that part, so teacher was so AWESOME today and let us go home at 12.
Well, of course I didn't go home THAT early,
left school at around 12.30 cos' Pat, Shah and I was searching for Ms.Tng.
And we went to take bus 3 to Punggol Int, took MRT to Douby Ghaut.
Went to Plaza Singapura, atfirst we went to the toilet to change clothes, Pat didn't bring hers cos' she thought she wasn't going at first.
So we went upstairs to GV and bought 'Eclipse' tickets.
Took the 3.30 PM ones, cos' the seats was the nicest(?)

Ate Macs for awhile,joked around like LOLS.
Shamira: "Who does Hafiz like?"
Kelly(me): "Hmm..... Uh Uh !! Sha-Nae-Nae~!!!"
Pat: *cracks up* "lols, Sha-Nae-Nae~ Dane Shawson!"
Shamira: *coughs* "No, I mean in real life~!"
so... talked about Miley Cyrus, Woots, a bird's name >.<;
And Pat kept on saying that she's a.... slut.
So...left at around 2.
Went around Carefour(?) like a weird person, Went to almost all handphone stalls existed there and take a look at awesome handphones.
Yeah, I want Sony Erricson's iKnow Hp thingy, OngLin has one, well.. the awesome thing is that the memory is quite alot.
Has walkman, large screen, touch screen, slide Hp, Uhh. Idk. But I'm pretty satisfied with the handphone I'd been using for almost 2 years now though.
So we went to Daiso, left right after we went in (lols), went to time bookstore, look for books.. move here and there.
Ended up at Comic connections, I looked at Kpop stuff alot and Shamira kept on teasing me that I like "Kim Bong Choon"
WTH lols, who is Kim Bong Choon??!!
Yeah I considered alot and bought a postcard. Actually planned to give Dionne for her B'day.
But umm... Maybe I'll keep it for myself and gave Dionne the full Key's one. Hehehe.
So yeah BEST BEST BEST part.
At like aorund 3.08 or something, we went up to GV and bought popcorns, wth its super expensive.
Like $9.50! Large PC and large Coke.
Shah bought the Eclipse set lols. With metal cups, Coolios. And with a super awesome, tasty chocolate stuffs. Cost $11.
So the people haven't let us in yet until like 3.20+++
So the movie was abit delayed.

Jacob's 8-pack Abs *melts*
lols, just kidding.. But Pat nudged me everytime Jacob came out.
The audience is like laughing even at a not funny scene lols.
They changed some of the story though..
Sadly the scenes I've been anticipating to see is not there.
When Jacob kissed Bella, Bella was suppose to like shut down, but it was like super fast and in like a second Bella punched his face with a hard hit sound.... And was screaming, and it wasn't even funny like what I read.
And they didn't film the part where Jacob brought Bella home and she was like scolding him a Monoroux(?) dog thingy thing thing.
And her calling Edward,... when she said "Jacob kissed me." like in the book. Edward's reaction...
Sigh... But overall it was cool, just like a Vampire, Edward focused on his angry acting. SO cool though.
Yeah and funny part when Bella was freezing from the cold and Edward couldn't hug her to make her feel warm cos' he's cold....
And Jacob came in and said "For all we know, I'm hotter than you." to Edward, I was like cracking up LOLS.
It's a pun, got it?? He means that his body temperature is hotter than Edward and his body is also 'hot' at the same time. Hahaha, smart.
And when Edward said "Can you control what's on your mind?" like he what he does on the book.
Hehehe, So the fighting scene was awesome.
And wow.. it was PG and it has like more than 6 kiss scenes >.<;
Jacob and Bella, 2 times.
Alice and Jasper, 2 times.
Rosalie and Prince Roy, 1 time.
Edward and Bella, LOTS of times. Well, I guess more than 5, I'm not interested in them though, Jacob. ABSOLUTELY.
And and and, BooBoo Stewart was so Chubby~~!!! So cuteee~~~
Dakota Fanning, Awesome sh!t. (omg, I'm starting to talk like Pat. Sowwiee, I'll use it for once.)
The ending, was like they engaging... and plan to tell Charlie (Bella's dad)
Edward: "It's going to be tough..."
Bella: "Yeah, lucky you're bullet proof."



SO yeah, I missed 19 minutes of my 'Scary Movie 4' on Channel 5 already.
CIAOS!!!! Will post next time when feel like it again. Hehehe~!

Today was awesome. THANKS! (: