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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Really L.O.L II

Continue from previous story~

So then we went to mall near my house and we went to eat Mac' Donalds
We were chatting around about nothing important, until Syah accidentally drop her fries , and
she shouted " f*** " and people around us were looking.
Then I tried to give her a sign , I try telling her " People are staring at us~!!! "

Then she was like " What the hell are you talking about ?! "
So no choice , I typed the words on my Handphone.
Then she said " Who cares? They are people with no life. "
Ugh , so frustrating.

You know I'm kind of addicted to blood types...
I mean , I'm concern about different people with different blood types.
Since I watched "U-Kiss Vampire" the Kpop group have 3 different blood types.
Then they try to compare and tell you.

So she tell me she was blood type A.
They say , blood type A people reply the person asking them what blood type are they like " Oh , Umm... I'm blood type A.... " Like they are not sure , whether the other party will like them or not...

But Syah , when asked , she just confidently answered " I'm blood type A! "
Which is like blood type O people.
Blood type O answer really confidently and is happy that they are blood type O.

If blood type AB , they will ask you to guess what is their blood type.
Then blood type B doesn't like being asked what blood type they are.

So.. I definitely think that Syah is blood type O.
Plus, she likes to play , having fun no matter what.

Alright , continue to the story.

Right , so then Syah suddenly talk about who eaten this food before , blah blah blah.
After we finished eating we went around the mall , went to Mini Toons.
Easter bought handphone strap. Then the rest just do nothing.

Later , we got " shooed " by security guard , twice.
I was like , " let's get out of this place, you want to get into trouble? "
Cos all of them are blood type O.
And I'm the only one blood type A.
And blood type A is always worried.

So i was like acting not to know them.
Anyways , later then we went to the playground.
They stated " 6 - 12 years old "
And we were still 12, so we went to play there.

Then the security guard went and ask us to not play and stupidly say that it is only for children under age 11.

But it says 12! I know he is jealous that he can't play anymore..
Ugh , anyways , after we went home.

Then watched TV.
And at 5 30 like that , Easter went home.

then at 6.30 , you know Okto Live every friday?
Yep , so Pat and Syah go and call them , I was so embarrased.
They went and say , something related to " pizza " not so sure though.
But they say something like " Can I order ____ pizza? "
or " You , know I love pizza , like that... "

Yah , then they go and sms them somemore~!

They wrote " oktolive I love pizza Easter "
Then it's before 7 oclock and they went home.
I bring them down until the gate , but I'm still in the lift.
Before that , they went and like joke around , saying " Umm , ah , hello , I love pizza like that , you know... " Blah blah , than at fifth floor , a guy came inside while they was still joking around.

Gosh , it was so embarrassing. I wish I could just faster went back up to my house. 

So it's the end of friday , and tomorrow's Common test for English personal leter and Mathematics. Argh , so nervous~!

Anyways , Good lucks for me friends and me ~!

BuhhByes , probably won't be blogging much now.
No time! Maybe weekly basis? Haha , I don't think so.
Yah , cos' I kept on writing when I'm alone, I can't write when someone is near me.