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So , my mum really DID came out at 1 PM.
Well not really 1 . But 12:58 PM.
Heh , weird.. It really come true.
Then she was like saying " aiyo , I told you to sleep with me.. "

Anyways , Mdm.Lidia just called me.
SO scary! She was like saying " Umm.. Hello , this is from Greendale secondary school , May I speak to Kelly or her parents , please? This is Mdm.Lidia speaking. "
Well , lucky my voice was like cracking a little and it sounds like I'm sick through the phone.

So , she talked about what to bring on monday.. But Dang , I forgot what did she really say...
I was like worried of my voice. Cos the flame , or what ever you call it , stuck up there in my throat. And when I want to answer , there was like no sound coming out.

Gosh , let me recall what did she say uh , She asked to bring sunblock , or just bring cap.. cos it will be hot.
Oh! I just found a pattern! She always says something with a reason behind it.
It's hehehe , funny.

At first I thought it was like the office staff or like my co-form teacher.
Luckily it was my ART and CCA teacher. Eventhough she's kind of fierce sometimes , I like her.
Hehehehehe , Well , just hope that I'll be able to wake up on time next monday.

To Parh; Change your blogskin!!!! Purple isn't nice, and! Your font. Mind the colours..!
Good luck with it! I'm willing to help , but If I can. :)