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Police? Napha? Morning Run? Literature?

Umm~ Didn't post for like, three days.
Dad was in SG. Grandma too.

So anyways. These three days wasn't really too good or too bad.
On Monday, we had our NAPHA trial.
Gosh. My incline pull up sucks! I did like only 7.

Hahaha, the funny thing was when lydia was counting how much i did.
She was like, ' one, two, PASS~ four, uhh , six, PASS~ seven. Your knees bent already. Finish! '

Then got 37 for sit and reach..
Did only two though.
Too lazy for shuttle run and standing broad jump.
Cos' I'm lousy at it.
So just tikam2 put 133cm for the standing broad jump.
Actually was looking forward to doing sit ups but have no time left.

Uhh, then after finishing went back to class getting ready for Geog remedial.
Then went back home with Sharra.

On Tuesday, 
We did morning run. 3 rounds around the school.
Walked for like a while and teacher saw.
Asked us to line up at the basketball court.
Then told us to stay in push up position.
Started telling us this and that.
After a few minutes, he gave us a chance and then ran again.
My leg was like super aching.
Idk why. I think I sort of twisted my nerve or something.

Right, that reminds me of Sharra.
Hmph, I have no idea why she likes to err, you know, 'praise' people that she want to be friends with so that that person won't like don't friend her. Gosh. It was so irritating. She kept on repeating her 'praise' and was like, ' Kelly! You today morning run so pro! I lose to you! You run super fast...' bla bla bla. I know you have some problems in life. And in your previous school your friends don't like to be with you all those stuff. But please just be yourself! Can you?! It is seriously.. irritating. You know the reason why I'm trying to like.. ignore you, but at the same time, I'm don't really mean that. Just that, the way you speak... STOP SAYING 'walao~!' with that... weird.. idk what.. voice.
You said it like, 'Wa~~LAO~!'
OMG, it's stuck on my head. And lastly, if you please stop laughing for no reason saying that I am funny or whatever kay'.

**P.S the only place I can say whatever I feel like saying inside is here, this blog**

So, On Wednesday (today),

Woke up in the morning at 5.03.
Slept again till like 5.10.
Then listened to songs for about ten minutes.
( My daily life! )
Then went to bath.
Finished everything then went to do Math homework for like 5 minuted before 6 oclock.
(Cos' I went to bed at 7.30 PM, actually arrived home from school at 5.40 PM++, ate at 7 PM)

Soon then finished the homework and went to MRT station, took the 6.19 AM train.
Arrived at 6.39 AM. Took bus number 3 at 6.40 AM.
Arrived at 6.45 AM. Walked, cross the over head bridge and then arrived at school like 6.50 AM
During class, it was like only 5 people there.
Wilson O. Frazer. Faith. Atiqah N. Dexter. Yeah think they only.

Since it was wednesday, we need to wear ties.
Wilson's tie was like, the black thingy tore off,
Then he came to me asking for pin.
I have one at my previous old, ugly looking tie, which I gave it to Shamira.
Then I took it out from the tie and put it on the table, opened.

Then suddenly Wilson O, was like, ' Oh Freak! '
I realised the pin was stuck on his thumb.
Lols. I then cracked up like , crazy. Seriously.
God. Imagine it. When I told Pat, she was like, laughing non-stop also.
Well, I found it funnier when Pat laughes :P

Anyhoo, later in the morning during assembly, lucky our class no one didn't bring their ties.
Girls get in house suspension for one day, boys get canning.
Cos we were suppose to use it like, since 2 month ago.
Yeah, then, went to class started English lesson.
Talked about how friday's test would be like.
Did some comprehension.
Hope we passed. I really, mean, everyone.
Teacher's gonna treat us 8 box of pizzas!
Seriously. Thats kinda alot. If like inside is already 7 pieces, it will be like 56 pieces~~~
Omg. Really , really , really wished everyone passed, Friends, Jebal!!
Science too, at least 15 people must get 15 over 25.
God god god god god!

So during literature, Mr.Keh gave us time to gather with our group members and practise the play.
It was super hilarious. within the 30 minutes, my group wasn't able to finish the play.
Cos' it was too funny. Either shah made a mistake, or BH made one.
They were like playing with the words, the pronounciation.
Like, ' You olded Goadd '
Then we automatically laugh, clapped our hands like lols.
Even people outside and inside (including Mr.Keh) looked at our group each time we laughed.
It was so, GOOD!
Just hope Pat brought the props and like.. succeed the play.
So as I was saying,
Today just finished the test.

Wrote answer on my palm for MCQ:
a c a a a c a c a c

:P it looks like a tattoo on my hand. Lols.
And also, the rate questions wasn't as expected.
I was like wondering whether I got it wrong or not..
Gosh, I'll lose 9 marks if I did all wrong!
I only remember that distance over time equals to speed.
*prays hard* Hope I get A1~!!
For the sake of .. chocolate *__*
Hahaha. Actually, I think the paper is quite easy.
Just that I don't know the 3 rate questions and the Group and Period in the periodic table.
Oxygen is in Group 6 and Period 2 right?
Some people, like Calvin, wrote the opposite of mine.
How~? I'm so nervous. Can't wait for the test results((:
Tomorrow's Math. Ms.Beh said it's quite hard, for our standard.. like this.
Yeah, she set the paper. :/

Anyways, after the test, it was like 3.30.
Shah, Fatin , Pat and I took bus 3 at infront of PP.
Went to Punggol interchange and took 83 to Sengkang.
Accompanied Fatin to police station.
Actually I didn't want to go inside..
So scary. Went in anyways, I'll look weird if I was standing outside a police station walking here and there.
Maybe the Police will think that I'm lost.
Duh~ So then took queue number.

It was hilarious there.
I was like need to turn back and laugh.
First thing was, the policemen asked Fatin why did she want to make a report.
She was like saying , " During Jog-a-ton , I was unwell and gave my donation card to my friend. The next day I asked for it and she said her grandmother burnt the card as she thought it was nothing. Then I was like 'Shit!'... " lols. She said 'shit' infront of a policemen~
And he was like giggling abit and asked her , ' Burnt the card? '
And Fatin was like, 'Ya!'

So the police questioned her about other stuffs.
Haha, A nice experience tho.

So, will continue blogging tomorrow,
Cos' Dad , Grandma and friends went back already~ (:
Yeah, Good luck people for the class test.
Hope we will make teacher happier with our results and we don't need to go for remidial. Harharhars!

Kays'~ Bye'~(: