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'I know what you did last summer' heh.heh.heh.

Woo, so didn't post for like.. 2 days? Idk.
So, yesterday we received our exam paper back.
Sigh, quite disappointing for Maths and Literature though..
Failed them ):
Literature 10/30
While math failed by two marks.
Ahhh~ Went home and got scolded > <;
But at least the other paper's result is better.
Geography get 64/100
Well, weird.. highest I know is Fatin, 67.
Our class's Geography isn't good eh.
English Compo get 18/30.
Situational Writing get 18/30
English paper 2 get 38/50.
Woo. so it's like 74/110.
Convert to percentage is like... 67%
It's like improved by.. 1 mark.
Yeah so. Science got second in class, 62/80
A bit disappointed cos' I made seriously silly mistakes.
Gosh. Highest is Dexter, Willson Lim, JunYan, and one more guy .. 63/80
At least reached my goal, A1 ^^

Yep Yep. So this week in school will be a bit into Art.
Did NE poster this morning.
We were like given only one hour and we're expected to finish it.
Sigh, I understand the question wrongly and did about stuff like.. racial harmony(?)
Anyways, we will get back out report book tomorrow.
I don't know how I should feel.
Ugh, no parents teacher meeting, it sucks cos' I want to have one. I don't know why, just do.

So that's probably all for today?
Nothing really happened. Slacked after school.
Planning to go out on Saturday with Elodia and Angel.
Elodia is free but Angel not so sure yet ehs.
And me... I haven't ask Mom yet.
Oh yeah.

Watched 'I'll know what you did last summer' at Patricia's house yesterday.
It was M18 cos' they say it was violence.
Haha, the movie was so weird.
It's like about this group of people pranking a guy by scaring him.
And then the guy is like so stupid that he used his skateboard on top of a building and jump down.
So then about one year later he started killing the people.
Ugh, weird.
It's not even scary.
So then after watching finished, we went to sing 'karaoke' without microphones ><;
It's fun(:

So after that went out of her house at like 5.30...?
And walked to CP from her house.
Walked with Shamira, she left me halfway.
I thought I'll get lost there. The road is like totally different from where I used to walk at with Fatin and Banhong that day....

So today they both were absent.
What happen...? > <;

Yeah. Peace Out *peace*