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LOL. Racist jokes during CCA. >.<;

Woo heyhos!

Today was cool, nothing much happened in the morning,
did Dionne a card. She hugged me lots today (lols)
And after school, she cried again, sigh.. 

So during HomeEcons, it was like awesome, glad that I'm in Ms.GaJae's group ^______^
So another teacher was like scolding mmost of us from the start cos' we didn't do the HomeEc e-learning hw.
And yeah, She's  pregnant, so I guess she's having mood swings and is kinda emotional.
So.. last period was talks from something parliament.. Wished that the pupils showed better performances in the hall.

Hate Nat. Just shut up. You're not FUNNY. Idiot.
so yeah, finished school at 2, supposed to be at 1.30.. cos' of the talks. It was short though.......
so @3.30 went for CCA
And my CCA's teacher in charge is changed, became Mr.Lim... 
The senior said that Mdm.L now doing part time job as a teacher cos' she needs to take care of her child..
SO yeah, my Art club seniors are super racist~~~!!
Since we're bored, we're like talking about super witty stuffs while doing our art works.

One senior was like asking, "Do, Re and Mi's mother ask them to eat poop,
Do ate one, Re ate one. So who hasn't?" LOL.

And racist jokes, people who hates it, LIKE YOU. Skip this part and don't talk about it in SCHOOL. TYVM.

One senior was like, "A chinese man and a indian man wanted to show whose God is stronger, 
so they jumped down from a cliff, the chinese man was alive and the indian man wasn't. Why is that so?"

"The chinese man shouted the God's name and was saved, the indian man died cos' the name was too long."
"What do you call an indian man wrapped in aluminium foil?"

Kay, so that's all I can remember... >.<;
Finished art club just now it was cool though. Hehehe.

SO don't kill me if you read that jokes. 
No one was hurt or harmed XD.

OH OH OH!! And, during Art Club we were like listening to radio,
and the woman was like, "put this in your mouth".
The man was like..."but that's too big,"
And the the woman was like, "Wow~ you have a big mouth!"
....."1 ball, 2 balls, 3 balls... 4 balls, 5 balls"

Yeah, gonna finish my HomeEc hw now, byes.

P.S; Dionne~~!
Don't worry about us, and don't cry anymore~
Take care while you're at Taipei! Love you lots! *hugs* (virtual)
Will miss you. 

Dream of Key! <3333!