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What a DAY~!

So today the whole school went to Sengkang Riverside park.
School finished at 11.20 am.

Ya so , Pat and I was late from waiting for Syah aka "Marh Slitwrist "... Well , we didn't really wait for her though , cos 6 more minutes we're late. So we just went to take the bus. Yarh and , we came late and were ask to report to our form teacher. After reporting then he asked us to sit in front.

Soon it's assebly time.
When singing the national anthem , Pat aka "Marh" Slitwrist just flinch abit , and also talk to me... From what I remembered , she said " Eh Kiwi! Got a frog there! Look! Look! " and I kept on smiling everytime she talks to me .
Then ,  that damn teacher went to scold us when we're finished with the assembly.

She was like saying , " YOU two stand up! Why are you talking just now?! *points to Pat* Can't YOU stand up straight ?! Why do YOU keep talking to her?! *Stares at me and then stares at Pat back , looks at her standing position* Stand up straight! I say stand up straight! Your hands! Where should your hands be! *stares at the two of us* Two of you stand like that now! See how embarrassing it is and let the whole world know about it! "
Weirdly she didn't even say a single word to me.....

In my mind  was like, " Damn You. What did we do?! Lots of other people is talking to one another too! Why must you scold both of us?! And embarrass us like that! " Really , I can't do anything. I can only sigh. I almost tear up from anger. Plus , the DM keep on staring at us. Duhh!!! So frustrating!!!!

Right so , after all those punishments the "MC" ask the sec one boys to line up first , soon they started running.
And after they were no where at sight , it was the girls turn. 

I , Pat and Syah went to run together. Hehehe , but I left them too though. LOLs.
And while running , my friend went and stop at the middle to tie her show lace. So I had to stop. Out of nowhere our principal pass by and I accidentally hit his thigh~~ Duh.. I was so scared that time. My heart skipped a beat.

Somehow the 3.5 km run feels lighter then 2.4 km.... So not fair!!! Is it because of the surroundings? The air is just so different. Weird huh....

Then I don't know when I'm finished but I went and take my 100 Plus drink and then when to search for Pat and Syah. Found her , then we went to our class. Then aweeesoommee people went and turn on the music.
We was like so shock when "Way back into love" song came up. Cos' we were just talking about it while we were running. Hahahaha. Then we sing like crazy people with my "niece" Anna Polliana aka Harz. We sang , "Don't Ya" , "You're beautiful" by James Blunt , "Beatiful Girl (?)" by Sean Kingston etc. It was fun. Well , while listening we were eating bananas. I ate 3 bananas that day. Hahahas.

Oh ya , and 1E3 , 3 people got medals for the run~ Woohoo~ Congrats!! ^ ^,
They're so pro , especially LiXua , PRO!! She got first out of all 50++ females!!!

Anyways , after that it was time to go home. My "family" which consist of Parh (Syah) , Marh ( Pat ) , Leon ( Lyda ) , Elizabert ( Jun Yuan ) , Andrea ( Bandung ),  Jake ( FatIN ) , Anna ( Harz ) , AssTart ( Easter ) and Kiwi ( Mehh :] )

Well , only Parh , Marh , Andrea , Asstart , Anna and Kiwi ( Me ) walk from the park to CP and went to eat Macs.
Elizabert went with someone else , but we met again while eating though.
For Jake's case ... "he" was sick. And went home.

So , my "niece" Andrea Julia was so girly! And I as an "uncle" was so... lesser girly than "her"!!
"She" really , seriously looks and act like 2AM ballad singer , JoKwon!!! 


So.. If you know him , and you know " Andrea " YOU will sure find them almost
Right so , after that we went to popular , and see CDs and Albums.
Gosh , I SO want to but 1:59 PM album!!!! SS501's also!!!!! Argh , it was so expensive!!! $20 each!!!!

Arhh!! Please give a discount!!! two for $20? PLEASE!!!

Gah , anyways , when I went home today , my Mum told me that she is going back to Indonesia...
Yah , and right now I'm alone in the house. FREEDOM!!! Hope my sister arrive home later today :P

Right , I want to continue eating. Muahaha! I stop eating once I started typing this. Yah , that was like how many minutes ago.. I cooked it at 5 plus. Then wait for rice to finish cooking. And then watch videos. And then I blog while listening to songs.

Hehehe , yah , so Bye~!
iLu JK~!!!

<3<3<3<3<3! Kiwi !!