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Bubble tea! RANDOM! NAPHA! Minister! Test! ETC!! EXTRA~~

So yeah today was uber fun. We performed our Meet the Twits. And WON!! Woots! It's like, super cool, and funny. Eventhough our props were like , last minute.. We weirdly still won. Thanks to Shah and BanHong! Very good acting! I think Mr.Keh gonna ask you guys to change to ELDDS :P
Magdalene there's too, lols. RANDOM~

Anyways, FREE bubble tea! Gimme, gimme, more , more, gimme gimmee more more~ Britney Spears~!
So, after all those happy times winning.
Did our Math class test at 2.05 PM.
It was alright. I can't do question 4b. I got confused.

Yah, then after we finished, we were about to go to PP.
Then drum beats, lion dance playing.
The Tampines minister came! Mr.Masagoh, I think.
Oh ya, talking about him reminds me of today's newspaper we got.
East View Primary School's there!!
On What's Up! (:
Kewl~ I was like super elated when I saw it.

Oh and also, before I read the article , Mr.Keh was like coming to me and said, ' Kelly, take your book and follow me. '
I was like thinking what did I do wrong.
When he said take my book, I thought I read a wrong book. I mean, like not appropriate book.
Yeah, cos Pat took my book , so I took hers'. It was like, what nuddy pants whatever.
So then Mr.Keh went to the back of the hall, took 2 chairs, one for me one for him.
I thought I was like special or something, lols.
Cos' I was the first one.

Then he start telling more about it, the yellow paper we wrote, about problems you have in school etc.
Hahaha, the interview was fun. I wish to do it again, seriously weird. I feel kinda proud doing it O__O.
Kay' kay, so he was like asking,
Mr.Keh: How many people are there in your family?
Kelly(me): Uhh, 5. Including me.
Mr.Keh : So can you tell me more about it? Like who is there in your family.. father? mother?
Kelly(me): Umm.. Father, Mother, older brother, older sister.
Mr.Keh: Okay, so, how old is your older brother?
Kelly(me): 18 this year.
Mr.Keh: Your older sister?
Kelly(me): 14.
Mr.Keh: Right, so do you have a good relationship between you and your family?
Kelly(me): Yes.
Mr.Keh: Who do you normally talk to? umm, like, when you have problems? who do you normally talk to?
Kelly(me): My sister and mother.
Mr.Keh: Okay, so how about your brother and father?
Kelly(me): Uhh, My brother is not always at home and my father doesn't live here.
Mr.Keh: Oh, so you mean your father is away for business or what?
Kelly(me): Umm, he doesn't live in Singapore. And yahh, it's for business... things.
Mr.Keh: *looks at my name* So you're Indonesian is it?
Kelly(me): *nods*
Mr.Keh: Your mother lives with you but your father doesn't?
Kelly(me): Yeah.
Mr.Keh: So, what type of house do you live? like, HDB flats...?
Kelly(me): Condo.
Mr.Keh: Oh , I see. Where?
Mr.Keh: So how long does it takes to reach school?
Kelly(me): err, about 30 minutes or so.
Mr.Keh: Okay, so. Do you get along well with friends in class?
Kelly(me): Yes.
Mr.Keh: Who do you normally talk to in class? in 1E3. Your fellow classmates, who do you usually get along with?
Kelly(me): Shamira, Esther, Patricia and BanHong.
Mr.Keh: *scribbling down* Shami..ra, Esther... Patricia, and who?
Kelly(me): BanHong,
Mr.Keh: *looks at me, giggled. Looked bewildered.* Okay, so.. Any other friends you have from other class?
Kelly(me): Yes, Jiaying from 1A3.
Mr.Keh: Oh? Jiaying? okay.
-silence while he scribble down stuffs-
Mr.Keh: So, do you have any problems with your friends that you want to tell? Do you have any bullying case...?
Kelly(me): Nope.
Mr.Keh: Okay, so.. When at home, what do you usually do when you have a free time?
Kelly(me): Umm, read books.
Mr.Keh: Oh, that's good. What type of books? The genres?
Kelly(me): *thinks hard of what the name was* Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... biography.. of people?
Mr.Keh: Oh..kay , bio..gra..phy.. of.. people... Yep. So any other thing you usually do?
Kelly(me): Umm, play computer?
Mr.Keh: Okay, so when you are stressed? How do you relieve it, relieve the stress?
Kelly(me): Uhh, listen to musics.
Mr.Keh: Okay, any other ways you do to...?
Kelly(me): Err... Sleep?
Mr.Keh: Oh , hahaha~
*scribbles down again*
Mr.Keh: Okay, so. Do you have any particular subject that you don't understand? Like , you can't do it. Or find it difficult to learn?
Kelly(me): Umm.. Geography.
Mr.Keh: Why?
Kelly(me): Ah, I can't really concentrate in class as Nathan and Fauzi they all always walks around and make noise.
Mr.Keh: Nathan? What did he do?
Kelly(me): He usually walk to my place there and talk to Calvin.
Mr.Keh: So , what did you do?
Kelly(me): I told him to get back to his seat but he didn't listen.
Mr.Keh: Okay, so.. He still doesn't want to go back to his seat?
Kelly(me): *nods*
Mr.Keh: Alright, go back to your place and call Magdalene for me please. Thanks.

O____O the interview was something like that, hope... that helps? Ahahaha. lols.
Don't copy~ I was like the first person to get interviewed 8/
It was sort of like that, the ones I remembered.

Anyhoo, went to PP with Shah, Pat, BanHong, Fatin, Lydia and Amelia.
It was so damn funny.
Particularly when we remembered some funny moments.
Hahaha. Shah was always joking, like saying, ' Hey. Look at the hot old men beside us! '
Then we were like cracking up. lols.
I know, kinda mean. But seriously damn funny.
We joked like, seriously , I can't remember everything. But we laughed so loud that people around were looking at us.
( We were at Koufu )
Ah, then we went to PP opp bus stop.
Took 83. Pat went down at her stop, Shah , BH and me went down at SK int.
Then we parted. Ewh~ Today was fun. Was superr happy.
Except the fact that I failed my NAPHA run, by 30 second or so.
Grrrr. Well, at least I improved.
*two claps* " Olleh~! "

lols. Our 1E3 clap, *signaturesss~*

So, I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna get my science result so badly,
Can't wait for tomorrow's English!! I wanna Pizza.
And!! If NAPHA we passed, we get to eat what we like, like.. Starbucks!!
OMFG. We already got the 'promises' with Ms.Tng(PE), Ms.Sheena(EL), Ms.Marlina~~
Weeee~! Hope we can encourage Mrs.Franklin.
But.. Think she's gonna say , ' All of you need to behave first. Your attitude like this, how to pay attention... ' bla bla bla.

SO, I wanna go watch videos~~ BYEs!!

Anyways, 1E3 RAWKS!!! Especially ' K.E.B.S ' + P!!
((: Love Love Love <3!!