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(: New blogskin, english test... 9-4-10

(: So today did English Class Test.
A passage of 2 and a half pages long.
11 Questions.
50 minutes.

Gosh. I hope I'll pass, I hope everyone pass.
Please~ Jebal~ For PIZZA!
Yeah. I can't really do the question that ask , ' What does the word 'exploded' (line ) suggests you of the author's response? ' something-like-that-question ??

I wrote something like , ' He was too happy that he wept '
Omo~ Hope I write it correctly.
And the last part , the 5 vocab question thingy...
The colon- something something , which the answer was suppose to be disaster , misfortune etc..
I wrote death~! Ahhh! Actually I thought of misery and disaster!! So frustrating!

Kay' so.. Ms.Marlina was absent.
During math Ms.Beh was like angry.
During MT, I did my math homework and talk to Pat.
During English did EL test. So yeah, that's friday.
And, ate Chicken Chop today in school, and Spaghetti at home~!!
Ohhh~~~ SO NICE.

Yeah, so bored now.
Actually wrote this entries like at 3 something.
But accidentally close it :/
But found it again *yay!*
So yup.. I wanna go watch vids.

Anyways, my blogskin is nice right? right? right?
(: So yeah, BB!