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You yeah, I'm so bored.
Since yesterday, watched Exploration of the Human body, Super Junior's...
Now paused at episode 12.
It's cool though.

Anyways, haven't finish blogging about 9 April.
Kay', so ...
actually after we finished our EL test and Ms.Tng's 'briefing'/'talk' , 
Banhong, Esther, Patricia, Fatin and I went to PP.
Actually we met Ong Lin, then she asked us to wait for her for awhile.
Banhong, Esther and I was like bored, so we went to Ice Talk and bought BBT.
Yeah, Ore ice blended~~ Ofcourse^^

Soon after we finished buying, we went down and couldn't see Pat and friends.
The bus came, I didn't want to go inside.
Esther kept on insisting that they went off already(when she doesn't even know -_-)
Then was like pulling my hair. Forcing me to follow her.
Idiot. Somehow I became angry. I didn't when I was there.
Ugh >:'[

Anyways, then they left.
From behind, Pat was like calling my name.
I knew it uhh, they were still there.
They won't leave without us(: lols.

Yup, so then we went to opp PP.
Suddenly met Tyronne.
Super hilarious.
He was like talking on the phone, somehow Onglin seems to know who was on the line.
She was like saying, ' Tyronne says he loves you!'
Hahaha, then the person hang up the phone.
Tyronne was like blaming her, ' You lah! I die already lah!'
Since then he was like blaming her again. All the way long.
And then Onglin asked him for the canning video.
Seriously. So painful.
He got canned like 20 times.. cos of molesting or something.
Oh God. It's super... scary.
It was like hit on the bare butt.
By the fourth stoke it was like ripping(sort of) and blood started coming out.
Gosh, I don't want to remember it.
I was like stopped watching till the fifth stroke.

Yeah, so yesterday missed 'Madagascar' on Channel 5 @7.45 pm. ):
Watched part of 'Down with love' @ around 9.30
and then watched half of 'ghost whisperer' @11 or so.
Damn.. creepy. shoot. The eyes and mouth was like how do you call it?
sewed up? seriously... gosh. Did you watch it??
Anyways, then I watched part of' Bones' and dreamed about weird stuffs.
Like erm, who is he called? Ahh, Zhi Long. And some other people, coming to my house, at Indonesia.
And then I was like can't open the gate for then and they were like spiderman, climbing over the fence and stuff.
And then when they came in to the garage, it started flooding.
Omg, lols. I myself find it so weird. Right then, after dreaming, I woke up at 7:36 AM.
Yeah, so here I am. Blogging. lols.

Anyways, excited for July and August~
Joo Hyun coming to SG~!!! AHH East View People! Do you remember her??
From Korea? She chatted with me @8 in the morning , and there was like 5:09 PM!
Uhh, she is currently studying in Canada (for your info)

Yeap, so.. Byeee!!! I wanna continue watching(:
And, won't be missing 'Hairspray' today @7.15 PM~~~

SarangHaeyo(: lols. Idk to who. 
Just BB.

our love lingers at 10:04 AM
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