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Pizza's gone.

Uhh-Ohh, so.. Monday was probably the best day, in school.
Today was.. well, okay.
Just quite disappointed that we didn't manage to get the pizza..
Some people failed the English test.
I really wished I did not.
Gosh, I thought getting 8 boxes of pizza was already like a dream.
I was really hoping to get one as I'd never been able to.

Yeah, anyways, D&T lesson was frustrating.
I couldn't get the steps right, and the Mr.Cheong (or something)
came to my place and was like, started nagging like that, telling I should do this and that.
and it was time to listen for the instruction that the instructor gave, and each time some people was only even touching their mouse he scolded us.
Wth? right, i know I can't explain it right.. But,
everytime we were ask to listen , he scold us.
when we listened and he saw we didn't do the stuff previously taught, he scold us.
and then when he was teaching us, we didn't listen to what the instructor said, and can't do the ones that they taught us, he scolds us again.
Argh, idk already.
Faster ART lesson! It's much better than D&T, yeah, I said that cos' I can't do it! It's too complicated.

Anyhoo, Mrs.Franklin didn't come today.
So relieved by a male teacher, Mr.Tham, don't know who though.
But the class was like super noisy even though we were asked to do some assignments given, 
So he was like super pissed off.
He didn't even react when he saw Fauzi wearing a high heel.
Aiyyer, not blaming him but, it's funny. OMG, I'm suddenly talking nonsense.
Early in the morning at school, I came like 1 hour earlier,
And gave Dionne some of my SHINee pictures, ugh, she was like shouting.
I kept on looking at my Suju picture, somehow I was like super happy already.
Then I became so random.
While we all were like writing at the whiteboard, I'm like the only person sweating like mad.
I don't know why, it's just so crazy.
We were writing about each other's blogspot URL.
So hilarious.
We were like writing about Clement, Lucas (Pat Crush, sort of) classmate, telling the whole sec 1 that Pat likes Lucas..
We were like writing, ' Clement is so gay, he like lucas... bla bla.. he suck finger from his a*se ...'  etc
Yeah, lots of people know it, too sad they don't know Lucas. Pat's so pissed of lerrhss.

Uhh, then after that went down for assembly (like each day..), and as always, I started to sweat lots.
Then study, study, study.
MT lesson Pat and I were like singing, non-stop.
That should be me, (of course (: )
Went for early recess. 5 minutes earlier, the upper sec were like still eating, urhs.
Kay' so during PE did abit of the 5 stations, glad that improved my sit and reach , just nice I got A~~~ 42 cm.
Rawks~~ Anyways, can't do standing broad jump and Shuttle run... sad.
This thursday must chiong for 2.4 km run.
Jeball~~ I don't want to fail again. ):

So yeah, that's probably it for today, Ciao peoplas++ (people duh)
Hmm, other than that, stoned with Sharra today, went to buy BBT (bubble tea DUH!!)
then met her at the elevator/escalator which ever you call it.
Then I went to eat w/ her at KFC until like almost 4.
Went back to Greendale, she do her coupon stuff again.
And then went home.
Yeah, she complained quite alot on our way uhh.
Don't feel like talking about it.
So yeah, 

CIAO! Peace Out (: